这部剧不是关于性解放好不好。 不要看到阴道就只能想到性解放,因此得出结论这是伤风败俗。
这部剧的主旨和由此衍生的V-DAY运动是为了反对整个社会对女性的暴力,目的是为了能够女性(包括未成年的幼女少女)能够自由安全的生活。 现在新闻里这么多的强奸幼女案,难道还不够说明中国有这样的问题么? 不错,这个剧是很前卫,有博人眼球的嫌疑,但是估计组织者是想借此机会扩大这部剧的影响,
The Vagina Monologues is the cornerstone of the V-Day movement, whose participants stage benefit performances of the show and/or host other related events in their communities. Such events take place worldwide each year between February 1 and April 30. The performances generally benefit rape crisis centers and shelters for women, as well as similar resource centers for women. During the rest of the year the play is performed in thousands of communities and colleges worldwide. (wiki)
那个说“Open for business" 的好像是个老外,最后一张的女孩写的是closed for business.