5/21 寄出申请6/5 收到email和短信通知收到case,和fee wavier approve的信件通知
6/19 收到打指纹通知,时间6/30
6/39 打指纹
8/11 面试
8/15 收到信通知8/28去宣誓
read: who lives in the white house
write: the president lives in the white house
1) what oath you make when you become citizen
2) who is your state governor
3) name one movement that end discrimination
4) name two national holidays
5) where is statue liberty
6) name the first president
6/19 收到打指纹通知,时间6/30
6/39 打指纹
8/11 面试
8/15 收到信通知8/28去宣誓
read: who lives in the white house
write: the president lives in the white house
1) what oath you make when you become citizen
2) who is your state governor
3) name one movement that end discrimination
4) name two national holidays
5) where is statue liberty
6) name the first president