我想问个问题,我挂牌认识一男,22岁,工作教养什么的都可以,只是年龄小了,我26了,我们date了两次,他表现都很好。这是我之前发的帖子,http://www.huaren.us/dispbbs.asp?boardid=303&Id=1328637 你说我什么时候问他结婚的话题啊?好像太早问不大好,可是他年龄这么小,不结婚的纪律太大了。
I think you should not put all your eggs into this one basket......Because very likely you two are not on the same page, (unless confirmed by him) he just started his dating life and you already want to settle down.
If i were you, I will still continue to seek potential "candidates" (since your goal is to get married)
And if the topic of "Exclusive dating" is brought up, you can start asking the question of " where do you see our relationship end up in 2 years" etc.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/12/3 14:16:51编辑过]
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