lemon_ade 发表于 4/19/2020 3:11:05 AM [url=https://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=2536192&postid=83669465#83669465][img][/img][/url]
Me too I was pretty shock it seemed lz plans to go 全脱产 ... Or if not resident hall, at least rent an apartment with others locally?
I was also shocked when lz said "我为他辛苦生了两个孩子", are the kids not your babies???
Also, I do not know if lz has ever stayed at a resident hall before, but honestly speaking I do not feel much 学习氛围更好, and in the case you got a roommate, s/he might complain about your "不属于早睡早起" as well.
I'm not saying you should stay at his parents, but finding a classmate to rent an apartment close to campus is a good choice. Also, you should've forseen this when you took his advice to specific accept the offer, since you know this school is where his parents are, so imo it's natural he has some expectations.