以下是引用hebbe123在7/18/2013 5:38:00 PM的发言:搜了一下medicare qualification。有兴趣的MM一块儿看看。
http://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Eligibility-and-Enrollment/OrigMedicarePartABEligEnrol/index.html?redirect=/origmedicarepartabeligenrol/01_overview.asp Medicare Part A ....A second group of aged individuals who are eligible for Part A are those persons age 65 or over who are not insured but elect to purchase Part A coverage by filing an application at a social security office. Because a monthly premium is required, this is called "Premium-Part A". ....persons desiring Premium-Part A can only file for coverage during a prescribed e
nrollment period (see the discussion under Medicare Part B) and must also e
nroll or already be e
nrolled in Part B. Medicare Part B ....A person age 65 or over who is not entitled to premium-free Part A must meet the following requirements to be entitled to Part B: he or she must be a U.S. resident and either a
citizen, or an alien who has been lawfully admitted for permanent residence with 5 years continuous residence in this country at the time of filing. .... 从节选的这两段看,是不是持绿卡5年以上的老人,即使没有在美国工作缴税过,也可以自费买Medicare Part A,但前提条件是,必须也买Medicare Part B 。 如果不考虑非得享受免费的MEDICARE,而且象前面MM说的那样Medicare Part A+Medicare Part B 只要600多美金的话,那老人用国内的退休金还是可以支撑这里的保险premium的?
Part A: (Hospital Insurance) Premium
Most people get Part A automatically when they turn age 65. They don't have to pay a monthly payment called a premium for Part A because they or a spouse paid Medicare taxes while they were working.
You will need to pay $441.00 per month if you don’t get premium-free.
The Part A premium is $243.00 for those individuals having 30-39 quarters of Medicare covered employment.
Part B: (Medical Insurance) Premium
- The standard Medicare Part B monthly premium will be $104.90 in 2013, which is a .5% increase over the 2012 premium.
If your income is above $85,000 (single) or $170,000 (married couple), then your Medicare Part B premium may be higher than $104.90 per month.