obstetric shock 产科休克 |
Obstetrics & Gynecology 妇产科 |
Oncologist 肿瘤学家 |
onset of labor 产程发动 |
Ovulation 排卵 |
oxytocin challenge test (OCT) 催产素刺激试验 |
partial 部分型 |
parturation 生产 |
parturient 产程 |
pathologic retration ring 病理性缩窄环 |
Pathologist 病理学家 |
pelvic cellutitis 盆腔蜂窝质炎 |
pelvimetry 骨盆测量 |
Perinatologist 围产学家 |
Perineorrhaphy Stitch 会阴缝合 |
persistent occiput posterior 持续性枕后位 |
persistent transverse arrest 持续性枕横位 |
peumothorax 气胸 |
phototherapy 光疗 |
physiologic jaundice 生理性黄疸 |
placenta accreta 胎盘植入 |
placenta bipartita 双叶胎盘 |
placenta circumvallata 轮状胎盘 |
placenta duplex 双胎盘 |
placenta percreta 胎盘穿透 |
Placenta Praevia 胎盘前置 |
placenta previa 前置胎盘 |
placenta 胎盘 |
Placenta 胎盘 |
Polyhydramnion 羊水过多 |
posterior fontanelle 后囱 |
postpartum 产后 |
pregnacy test 妊娠试验 |
Pregnancy 怀孕 |
Premature Birth 早产 |
Premature Rupture 早期破水 |
presentation 胎儿先露 |
primigravida 初孕妇 |
primigravida 初孕妇 |
primipara with floating head 初产头浮 |
primipara 初产妇 |
primipara 初产妇 |
prolapse of umbilical cord 脐带脱垂 |
prolonged deceleration 延长减速 |
prolonged labor 产程延长 |
prolonged second stage 第二产程延长 |
pueperal infection 产褥感染 |
pueperal morbidity 产褥病率 |
pueperal sepsis 产后败血症 |
Puerperal Fever 产褥热 |
puerperal hemorrhage 产祷期出血 |
puerperal tetanus 产褥期破伤风 |
puperal endometritis 产褥期子宫内膜炎 |
puperium 产褥期 |
radioimmunoassay for hCG hCG放免测定 |
Radiologist 放射学家 |
Rectal Examination 直肠检查 |
Resident physician 住院医师 |
respiratory distress syndrom (RDS) 呼吸窘 迫综合征 |
resuscitation of newborn 新生儿复苏 |
retention of fetal membranes 胎膜滞留 |
retention of placenra fragment 部分胎盘滞留 |
retention of placenta 胎盘滞留 |
revealed hemorrhage 显性出血 |
right occiput posterior(ROP) 右枕后位 |
rupature of membranes 破膜 |
rupture of marginal sinus 边缘窦破裂 |
rupture of uterus 子宫破裂 |
second stage of labor 第二产程 |
Separation of the Placenta 胎盘分离 |
septic thrombophlebitis 感染性血栓性静脉炎 |
serous lochia 浆液性恶露 |
Sheehan's disease 席汉氏征 |
shoulder dystocia 肩难产 |
shoulder of presentation 肩部先露也称横位 |
spina bifida 脊柱裂 |
station of presentation part 先露部位置 |
Still Birth 死产 |
Striations of Pregnancy 妊娠纹 |
suboccipital bragmatic diameter 枕下前囱径 |
suppression of lactation(wraning the milk) 退奶 |
tetanic contraction 强直性宫缩 |
The Show (Mucus-Like) Membrane Rupture or water broken 破水 |
third stage of labor 第三产程 |
threatened labor 先兆临产 |
tocograph 宫缩描记 |
tocography 宫缩描记术 |
Toxemia of Pregnancy 怀孕中毒症 |
transverse (shoulder) presentation 横位(肩先露) |
true knot of umbilical cord 脐带真结 |
Tubal Pregnancy 输卵管怀孕 |
Tubal Rupture 子宫破裂 |
Twins 双胞胎 |
ultrasonic estimation of fetal weight and maturity 超声波估价胎儿体重及成熟 |
ultrasonic localization of placenta 超声波定位胎盘 |
ultrasonography (ultrasound scanning) 超声波检查 |
Umbilical Cord 脐带 |
umbilical hernia 脐疝 |
Urinary Trust Infection 尿道炎 |
uteo-placental apoplexy 子宫胎盘卒中 |
uterine contraction 宫缩 |
uterine inertia 子宫无力 |
Uterus 子宫 |
Vagina 阴道 |
Vaginal Discharge 阴道分泌物 |
variability 可变性 |
varial deceleration 可变减速 |
vasa previa 血管前置 |
velamentous insertion of umbilical cord 脐带帆状附着 |
vertex presentation 顶先露 |