some art is used to be 看着舒服, like those hanging at home.
some art is telling the truth,
some art is just for the sake of experiment
some art is actually fake art. hoho
anyway, i like those 看着舒服. hehe. don't like these 丑恶 very much either.
some art is telling the truth,
some art is just for the sake of experiment
some art is actually fake art. hoho
anyway, i like those 看着舒服. hehe. don't like these 丑恶 very much either.
以下是引用DoTaNN在2004-5-14 0:27:51的发言:
hehe, 大概是在计算机上看不出细节来吧,还有一些个人喜好在里面,我可以接受漫画型的人物,好像丰子恺,或者抽象到没有真实感的,好像毕加索这样的,可是有些现代作品明显是“丑恶”嘛,比如那个岳敏君的,怎么看怎么不顺眼。。。但觉绘画还是一门视觉艺术,那些社会,宗教,人性的意义,都没有一个“看着舒服”重要。。:)
以下是引用eighthday在2004-5-13 22:11:53的发言:
以下是引用DoTaNN在2004-5-13 21:59:26的发言:
呜呜,是我过时了?这些画都欣赏不了,发现这些画家都侧重于人物和社会,其中有几张人物让我想起来American Gothic,其他的,好像那个《白胖子》,丑化人物得太厉害啦,现代绘画到这个地步,追求实验性和expression多过追求完美技巧和意境,觉得有点儿失望。
我觉得画画就是一种表达方式,和文学,电影,音乐一样, 并不局限于追求唯美。。。朱自清是大作家,王晓波也是嘛~~~