3000 after tax income at 40% marginal tax rate gives you a gross income of 5k per month. Assuming some hoa and other expenses, you need a gross rent of 6k per month. 2 month rent of property tax is 12k. And I'm sure you have lower property tax rates than NYC and California.
Don't people even understand simple maths?
一堆乱码 发表于 10/6/2016 9:32:35 PM
如果投资的话,3000 租金是收入,开支有很多,mortgage interest, property tax, insurance ,depreciation, property management, repair, 收入减开支如果有剩余才要交税,一般投资房,尤其在湾区的,没啥剩余,因为房子贵,贷款利息贵。还可以take depreciation.
这个房子给父母住, 损失的就是租金,因为保险和税和必要大部分开支都在。父母也不用搬家。