1. RE 上十大或请版主贴上十大
2. 大家赶快在11月15日国会开会前发。实在太容易发email了,
律师把信都写好了,我们只是进入以下连接(Fanlaw -- H-1B新名额)
添个address, name and phone num. 然后submit, 选个选项,再
submit. 只花1-2分钟
3. 发到我们各自学校的中国学生会,请他们用email list 发。
4. 用英文发给各自学校的国际学生顾问,请他们用email list 发。
5. 成家的,老婆或老公也发。
6. 据Fanlaw 文章中说, 国会才受到6千封要求增加H-1B新名额的信。
这不是我们的耻辱吗。已经有H1B的, OPT期间的, OPT过期的,
7. 别忘了, 当年64绿卡就众人争取的。
再添5条理由: :
1)如果没有H1B的名额限制,许多公司会考虑要我们,也就是说,工作机会增多. :
2) 尤其对我们老中尤为有利,因为我们大多数有M.S. or PH.D. 学位.
3) 认识学生会的, 和学生会的人直接联系, 这样快
4).中国学生会如有可能, 学生会出面和国际学生顾问联系,请他们用email list 发
发信人: fanlaw (范毅禹律师事务所), 信区: FanLaw 标 题: H-1B新名额发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Thu Nov 4 13:18:30 2004) WWW-POST
1) Keep up the pressure for exempting Master's and PhD graduates from U.S. Universities through Contact Congress http://capwiz.com/aila2/mail/oneclick_compose/?alertid=5183421. You can also contact Members of Congress directly by phone (202-224-3121)
2) Provide examples: Examples of how companies use the H-1B program are the "proof" that demonstrate why relief is critical. Send examples of how your clients are using H-1B visas, including anonymous examples (e.g. a bio-research firm in Ohio ) to Joanna Hedvall at AILA ([email protected]). Be sure to include the company's location (city, state) and industry.
3) Reach out to Members of Congress and the media: Make appointments for you and your clients to talk with your Senators and Representatives. Submitting op-eds to the local media also drives home the message for the need for H- 1B visas. See InfoNet at http://www.aila.org/infonet/libraryViewer.aspx?docID=16725 for talking points and statistics, or contact Joanna Hedvall ([email protected])
2. 大家赶快在11月15日国会开会前发。实在太容易发email了,
律师把信都写好了,我们只是进入以下连接(Fanlaw -- H-1B新名额)
添个address, name and phone num. 然后submit, 选个选项,再
submit. 只花1-2分钟
3. 发到我们各自学校的中国学生会,请他们用email list 发。
4. 用英文发给各自学校的国际学生顾问,请他们用email list 发。
5. 成家的,老婆或老公也发。
6. 据Fanlaw 文章中说, 国会才受到6千封要求增加H-1B新名额的信。
这不是我们的耻辱吗。已经有H1B的, OPT期间的, OPT过期的,
7. 别忘了, 当年64绿卡就众人争取的。
再添5条理由: :
1)如果没有H1B的名额限制,许多公司会考虑要我们,也就是说,工作机会增多. :
2) 尤其对我们老中尤为有利,因为我们大多数有M.S. or PH.D. 学位.
3) 认识学生会的, 和学生会的人直接联系, 这样快
4).中国学生会如有可能, 学生会出面和国际学生顾问联系,请他们用email list 发
发信人: fanlaw (范毅禹律师事务所), 信区: FanLaw 标 题: H-1B新名额发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Thu Nov 4 13:18:30 2004) WWW-POST
1) Keep up the pressure for exempting Master's and PhD graduates from U.S. Universities through Contact Congress http://capwiz.com/aila2/mail/oneclick_compose/?alertid=5183421. You can also contact Members of Congress directly by phone (202-224-3121)
2) Provide examples: Examples of how companies use the H-1B program are the "proof" that demonstrate why relief is critical. Send examples of how your clients are using H-1B visas, including anonymous examples (e.g. a bio-research firm in Ohio ) to Joanna Hedvall at AILA ([email protected]). Be sure to include the company's location (city, state) and industry.
3) Reach out to Members of Congress and the media: Make appointments for you and your clients to talk with your Senators and Representatives. Submitting op-eds to the local media also drives home the message for the need for H- 1B visas. See InfoNet at http://www.aila.org/infonet/libraryViewer.aspx?docID=16725 for talking points and statistics, or contact Joanna Hedvall ([email protected])