Namama 发表于 2024-07-22 01:57

Prop 47是加州民众公投通过的,和Harris无关啊。。

Harris also refused to take a position on Prop. 47, a California ballot measure to recude a number of non-violent offenses from felonies to misdemeanors


"Time after time, when progressives urged her to embrace criminal justice reforms as district attorney and then the state''s attorney general, Ms. Harris opposed them or stayed silent," wrote Bazelon, the former director of Loyola Law School Project for the Innocent. "Most troubling, Ms. Harris fought tooth and nail to uphold wrongful convictions that been secured through official misconduct that included evidence tampering, false testimony and the suppression of crucial information by prosecutors."


“While Harris personally opposed the death penalty, she defended the law as a matter of professional duty to her state. “这点其实可以反映出即使Harris个人的理念和现有的法律不align,但她还是会捍卫法律。算是有底线的人。川普最大的危险就是对民主和法律根基的动摇。还有就是再提名保守派大法官的话,对美国的影响可远不止他在任这几年了。所以之前有人说哪怕现在是条狗和trump竞选,都要选那条狗不是没有道理的