这个职位是非常entry level的,part time、full time都可,一周至少2个全天,上过一两门accounting课程,知道基本会计知识即可,英文交流基本流利。公司使用SAP系统,不会没有关系,我们会从零开始教你的,以后把SAP放在简历上应聘大公司会是个亮点。上班地点在LA downtown。有兴趣的私信我邮箱,我把详细要求和职责描述发给你,想投简历可以发给我,我交给财务老大。
janegrey 发表于 9/26/2016 12:36:20 AM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=2069857&postid=72841903#72841903][/url]
无薪实习违法。 Google "unpaid internships california":
Unpaid "internships" are illegal. A common labor violation in California is the use of unpaid "interns," especially in the entertainment industry. The issue is that every employee must make the minimum wage, and employers cannot get around this by calling the work "volunteer" work or an "internship."