Sorry to hear what happened. Bless LZ mm.
HPV is sexually transmitted. It's linked to cervical cancer. But early detection has very good prognosis. That's why it's recommended to have routine pap smear if anyone is sexually active. Since LZ found out early, you should be fine with early intervention. Just stick with the treatment plan with your doctor.
You may want your husband tested based on what you said. But it's hard to test guys for HPV. There is high chance of false negative. So even if he came back negative, still doesn't mean he didn't give it to you.
HPV is sexually transmitted. It's linked to cervical cancer. But early detection has very good prognosis. That's why it's recommended to have routine pap smear if anyone is sexually active. Since LZ found out early, you should be fine with early intervention. Just stick with the treatment plan with your doctor.
You may want your husband tested based on what you said. But it's hard to test guys for HPV. There is high chance of false negative. So even if he came back negative, still doesn't mean he didn't give it to you.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/14 17:51:06编辑过]