For serial, Six feet under. It is a drama. But full of black humor. There is death. There is new baby born. There is bitterness. There is happiness. That is life.
For comedy, Friends. Seldom miss one. Rachel is the girl-next-door, cute and funny.
So far the best movie I have ever seen, Monster. The actress totally deserves the Oscar.And she won it in a hard way. Much harder than Nicole, than Hally berry, than Gwyneth Paltraw. I couldnot forget her words' All I want is just a little love.......' In fact I cried. It is a very touching story, very sad.
For comedy, Friends. Seldom miss one. Rachel is the girl-next-door, cute and funny.
So far the best movie I have ever seen, Monster. The actress totally deserves the Oscar.And she won it in a hard way. Much harder than Nicole, than Hally berry, than Gwyneth Paltraw. I couldnot forget her words' All I want is just a little love.......' In fact I cried. It is a very touching story, very sad.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-4-26 9:41:27编辑过]