来报道下,due date 4/16。由于去年有过不好经历,这次10周B超后才上来报道,希望接下来一切顺利! 10周心跳171,好快呀,大家宝贝心跳都多少啊?自己买的那个angelsounds胎心仪一直没测出来过,晕。。。
gentle touch your hands... to get some of your luck. :D
I was feeling great Saturday all day, till I started throw up again that night. And yesterday and today suck. Hope I will feel better soon. I am 10 weeks 2 days now.
正常情况下我需要15 min,光揉加黄油那一步,加黄油前的用food processor代劳。那样本来一点都不吃力,加上我家两个人要保证新鲜度的话一次做不了太多,所以一直不急着买mixer。但是现在揉得这叫郁闷啊。
My ob said baby is too small from the first ultrasound, so she pushed my due date to 4/26.
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