以下是引用夏末在2006-5-17 23:58:00的发言:以下是引用Caffeine在2006-5-17 19:51:00的发言:are you in a real estate program now? If not, you don't have to read any books about it yet. Get an admission first. It's not true that you have to have econ. background. 3 of my classmates were architects w/o any econ. background before they studied for real estate.
In addition, there are curriculum descriptions on MIT and Columbia's websites. Those will help, too.
但是,有些planning的东西,所以,我和advisor谈谈,应该可以选择land eco的课程
我曾经看过我们学校real estate毕业的学生简历
you have to talk to the professor. If you never talk, they will not look at you. Be a little more aggressive on this issue...
Econ. is actually required in our planning curriculum, so that's why I didn't get much trouble there. I also had experience working on real estate while I was in college, so that helped my resume look better. I guess that you just need to talk to the prof. and lay out the reasons such as you want to work in that field, and you can benefit a lot from the program; and your planning background can diversify the student body in the real estate program and share different views. They want to include you for a reason, so sell yourself is a must :)