haha.I'm glad you aren't mad when seeing the critiques. Well, I posted that comment because I was comparing you with those world famous photographers, like ones from magnum photos, as my commnets on the "World's recognized best photos..." post.
Apparently your skills are better than most of the folks here including me of course. It's dangerous to listen to comments from ppl not even as good as you...but anyway, I think your photos are closer to commercial/ads photography than to documentary photography. I don't wanna say which one of them is better, but documentary photography is a closer road to a great photographer. And although some of your photo are very original, others sometimes seem to obey the photographic rules too well....They look similar to those hundreds of good photos out there. But to be "great", you'd better challenge the rules or in another word to be special--well, I have no idea how to do that..
let me post 2 photos which I think are special:
sth related to the car:
以下是引用99V6Coupe在2004-5-7 1:55:20的发言:
cool Vincent...maybe I'll call you Mr. D100...hahaha...:p
Nomap and Llily, look forward to your constructive comments on how to improve my photos...thanks...'cuz you guys really made me wanna sell my 'professional' gears...LOL...
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-5-7 4:31:24编辑过]