WOW, 一不小心已经在华人上“拿福利” 5年多了,我是从来没有看过关于说华人邮箱的帖子。也许有其他的方法,但是lz的姿势有限,如果说错请见谅。事情由于我前些天在换班和一个mm交易,可是她的邮箱已经满了,lz无法在发送邮件,帖子里提了后她很快的处理了(可是i dont know the maximium email number will lead unable to receive more)。所以,我夜里失眠是想想自己也go check my own in & out emails. so...
首先,lz还离“剁手党”远远的呢,in that case, 来来往往的邮件相比其他mm应该少很多, 外加上一些“强迫症”和“拖延症候群”, 一不小心收件箱也有18页了(应该已经很少了吧)。我这几天没事就 一封,一封,一封,邮件的看看,很多都已经忘记了最初的“故事”。确实,好多也是deal,price,brand,sellers,buyers, trading info, shopping channel, etc的一个很有用的tracking平台. 有的时候关于一个交易就来来回回的几封emails。有些邮件,由于回复人并不使用以前的邮件,需要保存多封邮件.
1. 记录每次成功交易的 item & model (lz记忆力极差,自己买过的东西常常会忘了,所以有了记录是很方便的)
2. Brand (not necessary,but it might be helpful for individual's needs)
3. Price (this helps me working on if the same item sold by differnt people with huge amount different, if there is reasonable point or not)
4. Bank purchase or receiving info (helpful when i cant remember when i paying my credit card or check account balance)
5. Sellers or buyers evaluation(这里指通过与买家或卖家的交易过程,自己可以对这个人的做事方式有所记录,例如,我买过一次衣服,不是很贵可是我不知道卖家用的盒子到底是重复用了几次,外面脏就算了,里面也脏的可以,我不觉得中途有被开过,那么下次如果在和同类的mm交易几百刀的时候我就会好好考虑或善意的提醒)
6. Tracking # (very important after traded happened)
7. Important info (i have kept the email I "请教“ 关于wedding diamond ring; where to purchase big ticket item; how/what choose to buy perfume;
8. Build-up network (I had asking for Prada sunglasses & purses, seller and me use we chat to send picture, and finally always update with other people about their life change which its amazing)
1. 邮件请尽量剪短,精确。lz要从自身做起。。。
2. 请尽量使用同一封邮件往返回复,这样一件/一次交易结束后,只留最后一次的,其他无需浪费时间去go over again & delete.
3. 请定期check outgoing and incoming emails, 否则,时间久了就真的不好清理了 (i know i am a detail person, it still take me more than 3+-hours only to check all my 18 pages outgoing mails, and it killing my eyes)
首先,lz还离“剁手党”远远的呢,in that case, 来来往往的邮件相比其他mm应该少很多, 外加上一些“强迫症”和“拖延症候群”, 一不小心收件箱也有18页了(应该已经很少了吧)。我这几天没事就 一封,一封,一封,邮件的看看,很多都已经忘记了最初的“故事”。确实,好多也是deal,price,brand,sellers,buyers, trading info, shopping channel, etc的一个很有用的tracking平台. 有的时候关于一个交易就来来回回的几封emails。有些邮件,由于回复人并不使用以前的邮件,需要保存多封邮件.
1. 记录每次成功交易的 item & model (lz记忆力极差,自己买过的东西常常会忘了,所以有了记录是很方便的)
2. Brand (not necessary,but it might be helpful for individual's needs)
3. Price (this helps me working on if the same item sold by differnt people with huge amount different, if there is reasonable point or not)
4. Bank purchase or receiving info (helpful when i cant remember when i paying my credit card or check account balance)
5. Sellers or buyers evaluation(这里指通过与买家或卖家的交易过程,自己可以对这个人的做事方式有所记录,例如,我买过一次衣服,不是很贵可是我不知道卖家用的盒子到底是重复用了几次,外面脏就算了,里面也脏的可以,我不觉得中途有被开过,那么下次如果在和同类的mm交易几百刀的时候我就会好好考虑或善意的提醒)
6. Tracking # (very important after traded happened)
7. Important info (i have kept the email I "请教“ 关于wedding diamond ring; where to purchase big ticket item; how/what choose to buy perfume;
8. Build-up network (I had asking for Prada sunglasses & purses, seller and me use we chat to send picture, and finally always update with other people about their life change which its amazing)
1. 邮件请尽量剪短,精确。lz要从自身做起。。。
2. 请尽量使用同一封邮件往返回复,这样一件/一次交易结束后,只留最后一次的,其他无需浪费时间去go over again & delete.
3. 请定期check outgoing and incoming emails, 否则,时间久了就真的不好清理了 (i know i am a detail person, it still take me more than 3+-hours only to check all my 18 pages outgoing mails, and it killing my eyes)