mamajiajia 发表于 2/22/2019 1:21:50 AM [url=http://rd2.huaren4us.com/huaren.php?hrtopic_id=2391885&hrurl=%2fshowtopic.aspx%3ftopicid%3d2391885%26amp%3bpostid%3d79820358%2379820358][img][/img][/url][/url]
我自己的理解(in my state only),如果有理解错误请大家指正.
All marital properties are subject to be divided (based on equitable distribution or equal distribution if you are in comoom law state) once you get divorce, separate property is not subjected to be divided.
婚前财产增值部分,婚前财产如果是出租房,所得的房租收入,也是婚前财产,请google separate property 。
For my state
The state defines marital property as including:
1. All real and personal property currently owned by either or both spouses (this includes retirement benefits);
2. All interest that either or both spouses have in real estate or personal property;
3. All income and appreciation on separate property pertaining to the other spouse's labor, monetary, or in-kind contribution; and (This is the tricky one for example if the husband paid or contribute labor to repair your roof in your current residence property (which is the wife's separate property), then he is eligible to claim this part + appreciation of the house if you sold it as marital property).
4. Money from a public employee participant (deferred compensation) account.
Separate property.
Inheritance by one spouse;Real estate, personal property, or interest acquired by one spouse prior to the marriage;Passive income/interest acquired from separate property;Real or personal property excluded through a [url=https://family.findlaw.com/marriage/can-prenuptial-agreements-help-you.html]prenuptial agreement[/url]; andAny gift given to one spouse during the marriage (proven through clear evidence to have been given to only one spouse).It's important to remember that, separate property can remain separate even if it's commingled with other types of property unless the separate property can no longer be traced (as separate property).
你爸妈给你的gift钱,inheritance moeny,只要说明是给你的,不是给你们两个的,不签协议也separate property 但是,你如果用你爸妈给你的钱两个人买了个房子,如果这个钱来回转次,无法证明买房子的钱是你爸妈给你的,那最后房子的钱就成了marital property,如果你在共产州divorce 就会被分走一半.