以下是引用littlepigatAmerica在3/21/2004 8:46:24 PM的发言:以下是引用citygirl在3/21/2004 2:02:55 PM的发言:
jj 的芦荟哪里买的?我也想种一株。
我是在亚特兰大的大华超市买的.特好养. 如果不能涂可以做汤
I saw they sell this at the super market, how can you cook it?
I have lots of this planted also,all these start from one , but I doubt if you can eat any kind of aloe vera,:)
the one I saw at super market is very big.
[此贴子已经被作者于3/22/2004 1:37:27 AM编辑过]