For an authoritative explanation of MLA style, see the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (for high school and undergraduate college students) and the MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing (for graduate students, scholars, and professional writers). Please also see frequently asked questions about MLA style.
The style recommended by the association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research papers concerns itself with the mechanics of writing, such as punctuation, quotation, and documentation of sources. MLA style has been widely adopted by schools, academic departments, and instructors for nearly half a century.
MLA guidelines are also currently used by over 125 scholarly and literary journals, newsletters, and magazines with circulations over one thousand; by hundreds of smaller periodicals; and by many university and commercial presses. MLA style is commonly followed not only in the United States but in Canada and other countries as well; Japanese translations of the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers appeared in 1980, 1984, and 1988, and a Chinese translation was published in 1990.
唉,我们教授都用APA style。
看到mm的经验总结我真惭愧。好像从来没有特别下功夫学英语,觉得和刚来美国的时候相比没多大进步。 尤其是写作,每次都像挤牙膏一样,痛苦死了。要是看到别人写类似的topic,就觉得人家写的特清楚。不过我中文bullshit的能力也不行,以前在国内考政治大题,我就邹不出几句。