几个mm昨天给我转了$2500以后今天没有一个人可以成功转钱给我的,都收到error message说:
We are unable to process your transfer at this time. The individual to whom you are sending money will exceed the limit for funds received through this service.
打了两次BOA客服,都跟我说sending有daily limit of $1,000, and weekly limit of $2,500. 但是receiving是没有限制的。我在条款里看了半天也没找到收款的限额限制。
最后第二次聊天的客服去找superviser, 研究了半天,跟我说receiving也是weekly limit of $2,500, 但是没有明文写。我觉得听起来像在忽悠我,这样的东西不明文写出来???
We are unable to process your transfer at this time. The individual to whom you are sending money will exceed the limit for funds received through this service.
打了两次BOA客服,都跟我说sending有daily limit of $1,000, and weekly limit of $2,500. 但是receiving是没有限制的。我在条款里看了半天也没找到收款的限额限制。
最后第二次聊天的客服去找superviser, 研究了半天,跟我说receiving也是weekly limit of $2,500, 但是没有明文写。我觉得听起来像在忽悠我,这样的东西不明文写出来???
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/12/10 16:26:41编辑过]