borrow the picture from SHAO NIAN XIN mm:
it looks so pretty, hope capable mm here can teach me
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-3 0:14:36编辑过]
borrow the picture from SHAO NIAN XIN mm:
it looks so pretty, hope capable mm here can teach me
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-3 0:14:36编辑过]
flowerinwind mm, this is amazing work!
now I can imagine how to do the rest. but still I am too stupid to imagine how to sew the two edges of the black "ribon" together so perfectly to make a tube? crochet?
and more importantly, where to buy this black ribon? is it tulle? at the two ends, do you leave them just after cut? will the threads come off?
i have bunch of faux pearl necklaces at hand, but no SI DAI
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