以下是引用grace在2004-5-27 14:14:53的发言:
偶现在还没想到要买房子,估计要结婚买房子的话, 现在的好日子也就结束了
以下是引用prada在2004-5-27 14:22:58的发言:
有一次, 在那里看到, 简单的孩子和工资算法:
一个孩子= 18,000 美金, 如果你有3个孩子, 工资少于54000的话, 最好回家当dependent,
不然, 辛辛苦苦工作, 钱还没多.
以下是引用grace在2004-5-27 14:30:39的发言:
迟早要停, 早停好还是晚停好呀?
以下是引用hotwater在2004-5-28 11:41:28的发言:
以下是引用bbfat在2004-5-28 13:59:51的发言:
"If you are age 35 or older, you are required to contribute at least 3% of your salary. If you are under age 35, you may contribute less than 3% of your salary. Employees between the ages of 21 and 35 will receive xxx's contribution by contributing 1% of their salary. Contributions will be automatically increased every September until a 3% contribution is reached."
"xxx contribution to the Retirement Plan is as follows:
7.6% of the first $44,250 of salary and
13.3% of annual salary in excess of $44,250,
up to a statutory salary limit of $205,000"
以下是引用prada在2004-5-28 14:10:26的发言:
公立, 私立?我怎么觉得一般公司福利比学校好. 尤其是医疗保险.
以下是引用bbfat在2004-5-28 14:20:03的发言:
私立。说实话这个医疗保险要自己交钱我还ft了好一阵,当学生的时候都是给cover的,工作了反倒要自己出?!人家说rate是$19.88的时候我还傻乎乎的问是不是annual rate, 被笑话死了。
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