Not necessarily. Internal hemorrhoids are not painful. Extenal ones are painful and you can see them from outside.
I am almost 99% sure you don't have cancer for now. :)
Go see your doctor and tell him/her you are having bloody stools recently, and there is bright red blood on the tissue wipes. The doctor will inspect from outside first, and if s/he does't find an external hemorrhoid, will do a digital exam -- poking a finger into your bottom, and do a hemoccult test, to see if there is trace blood. The last resort is to use an anoscope, a plastic tube about 10 cm long, put into your rectum. I think that should be sufficient to find something.
Some tips:
Try to drink enough fluids, eat lots of fibers, and avoid irritating food like those over spicy or acidic food.
Rinse your anus with warm water, a warm bath will help soothing the symptoms a little bit.
A good bowel movement habit is needed! Don't spend too much time on the toilet, don't read during your bowel movement. Don't be stressed out if you are having constipation attacks. Stool softener or fiber drink will do the work if constipation is the trigger.
Anyway, hemorrhoids are "angry blood vessels", don't upset them, --chronic bleeding will result in anemia. But the corelation between hemorrhoids and cancer is still questionable.
Feel better.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-1-27 21:49:19编辑过]