look, u said the original house worths 1300K now.
and they sold it and bought a 5 bdroom 700K house.
my quetion is, if 700K house is a 5-bedroom house,
what kind house the 1300K one would be?
even when it was 300K, it would still be a luxury house.
how many of us can afford a "luxury" house for our 1st house?
again, what u have said makes perfect sense. but it is more like
textbook case: every sentence is correct. but following it
won't guarantee u to make money.
以下是引用jami在2004-4-30 21:53:03的发言:
If you are in the same place for 5 years,
suppose you paid 100K together for the house.
sell it after 5 years, get 200K cash,earn 100K.
If you don't buy the house and live on rent housing, you may need to pay
5*12*(600)-considering the house is only 100K,let's get it cheaper.
$600/month for a house is cheaper enough?$36K. I would think $1000 or more be realistic. At least in my place. $600-700 for a 1-br old Apt.
Even if you live cheaper, you still need at least $15K for 5 years($250/month).
This may cover all your expenses for selling house and pay intrest and property tax.
So in all,
1. buying a house and live in it instead of paring rent can let you earn 100k cash if the price doubled. Plus you live much comfortable in a house than a APT.
2.And if you don't sell the house and stay in it.
well , it is still the same house, but If you buy the house now instead of 5 years ago you need to pay 200K.
Taht's an extra 100K, so buying early can save you 100K plus you save 5 years rent though you need to pay Tax+ interests.But you got some tax deduction for it.
a little.
Buying the the house definitely is not BaoZhi but get you money.
I know some friends they bot house several years ago, paid $300K
and now it worths $1300K now.
And they are puting it on market.
They bot another house in a better place but smaller for $700K now for their kids is going to kindergarden.
So now they get a $700K house for free + $300K cash + live in the old 5bd-house free for 7 years.
MM please have some finacial ideas!
And also some people bot house for $200K and now it raised to $400K in 3-4 years.
But real estate is tricky.I don't ecourage people buying expensive house now.
以下是引用HuarenID在2004-4-30 12:48:03的发言:
你新买的20万房子, 很有可能4年前也就10万.
4年前你用10万换了装房子, 4年后你还是只有一撞房子.
房子在这而只是保值, 不是"赚"
以下是引用Poohbear在2004-4-30 12:40:38的发言:
以下是引用HuarenID在2004-4-30 12:34:10的发言:
除非你有两处房产, 卖掉一处套现.
以下是引用Poohbear在2004-4-30 12:31:12的发言:
以下是引用HuarenID在2004-4-30 10:55:17的发言:
怎么定义买反正赚翻了? 只有等房子真正卖出去了, 才是"赚"或是"赔".
如果普通家庭, 只有一处房产, 卖了的话, 住哪里?
再买房子? 那还不是得花一样多的钱.
对普通家庭来说, 房子还是保值的.
然后到老了之后, 卖了付儿女college tuition 和养老. 哈哈
以下是引用robinsnow在2004-4-30 10:50:40的发言:
wasai那一家的closing cost都出阿
买房至少要住两到三年,才能和租房break even
那些已开始grad school就买了房的人(都是美国人)真是赚翻了
以下是引用quaint在2004-4-30 10:39:32的发言:
现在买房或公寓时机很好呀, 利息低, 市场好. MORTGAGE公司为了争客户都有很多优惠, 比如所有CLOSING COST都由他们出, 无DOWN PAYMENT等.
我个人觉得租房不划算, 好象把钱往风里扔似的. 买房最后卖掉就算亏了点钱, 就当房租算也还是便宜的. 再说利息费用也可以抵点税. 当然前提是决定在某地安定下来, 否则将来突然急着卖房容易亏钱.
CHANEL MM说的在家具电器上花钱太对不过了, 看朋友都是买房不出什么钱, 家居用品却要实实在在砸下很多银子.