Why? Why? Why? married????
Michelle surely did good acting in BBM, but somehow i just don't like her.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-5 13:26:41编辑过]
Why? Why? Why? married????
Michelle surely did good acting in BBM, but somehow i just don't like her.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-5 13:26:41编辑过]
结果 李安还牵了红线。。。。。
李安可以做证婚人.赫赫. 虽然偶很私心的想他不要结婚. sigh..
Is she the one in "Dawson's Creek"? I guess I'm right. I don't like her either in "Dawson's Creek". But in these pictures, she's sweet. They are both lucky to have each other.
Again, haven't see BBM yet. Can't stand Heath to be with a guy. He's sooooooooooooooo .... in my heart.
No, it won't. Once you watch the movie, you will love him more!!!!!!!!!!!
Will Heath be there too? That' s what i care. hehe
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