cute wheat mm说的很对
大妹子,你不需要读书,看过你太多在鲜花的帖子,只能说你要跳出你的执念。太多执念,说实话,有点吓人。一个怪圈来回的跑。你不累,酱油党都看累了。书帮不到你,你要学着爱自己。学会和自己相处,有自己让自己幸福的本领。等你有了这个本事,再去想找男人的问题。嗯 谢谢cute wheat!我知道自己固执也很钻牛角尖,真的转了好多回圈圈哦 😄,现在真的在努力每天都爱自己,有一群很好的闺蜜,年纪比我大但是比我淡定多了,我也在慢慢跟她们学习。准备要考一门试,希望对跳槽 有帮助,at the same time, I'm seeing another guy three years younger than me. He is my ex coworker's younger brother. I'm not sure where it leads to but I'm just focus on myself: being happy with friends, looking to change my job and location.
cute-wheat 发表于 1/4/2016 1:47:19 AM [url=][/url]
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