以下是引用tongdingding在2006-2-21 19:17:00的发言:
俺昨天又把BBC版的看了一遍,现在俺是忠实地Colin Firth粉丝了
俺昨天又把BBC版的看了一遍,现在俺是忠实地Colin Firth粉丝了
yeah, i LOVE the old version!
Colin Firth is the FOREVER Mr. Darcy!!!
yeah, i LOVE the old version!
Colin Firth is the FOREVER Mr. Darcy!!!
BTW, don't watch BBM on pplive.
The Chinese translation is the WORST I've ever seen.
It totally changes the whole movie. It's RIDICULOUS!!!!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-21 20:03:43编辑过]
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