i watched DOnnie Darko.
I don't understand this movie...
i particularly like this set of shots. I like clean cut man.
jake looks the best when wearing navy/black suit jacket with simple white shirt, paired with jeans.
I remember JA's speech when handing out the award to Jake. She said: I 'd like to think of myself as his Mrs. Robinson~
so funny~~~~
here are some of my fav pictures, not sure if they've been posted or not~~~
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-20 23:57:35编辑过]
don't worry. there'll always be a recap for download later at www.iheartjake.com[em08]
i have a question, is iheartjake.com down?
i can't open it for 3 days.....
January 27th 2006 | |
Hey guys! I know a lot of you freaked out when the site was down for the past 2 days. I apologize, I've been having A LOT of server problems lately so I had move servers. I want to thank Gertie from Fan-Sites.Org for hosting IHJ! Thank you so much! As you can see there is a temp. layout up because I am currently working on the new layout. I hope to have it up really soon so please be patient. I will still be updating the site though! In the IHJ Gallery I added 9 HQ pics of Jake hanging out in Santa Monica with some friends on January 23rd and 7 HQ pics of him chatting with Sophia Bush in Malibu on January 25th. Thanks so much Stephanie! I also added 6 stills from Jake's appearance on the Oprah Winfrey Show. Check back here for the videos later! :-) ![]() ![]() ![]() REMINDER: JAKE WILL BE ON THE OPRAH WINFREY SHOW TODAY! JANUARY 27TH 2006! Check your local listings here |
This is what i get from their website, i guess the webmaster is doing the new outlay now.
You can check http://www.iheartjakemedia.com/ for pictures. This site is still up and running.
yeah, i have been visiting iheartjakemedia.com for the past few days.
they have some new pictures of Jake with the new pupies and a beautiful girl--Sophia Bush~~~~yummy~~
btw, did anyone watch today's Oparah Show?
The whole BBM main cast were on....It was fantastic!!!
Jake was talkative, humorous and cute throughout the entire show.I laughed from ear to ear
For those on the east coast, I guess there will be a rerun of today's show on ABC at 1am.
I get 100% compatibility with Jake.
I know Jake likes to wear his clothes many times, likes to stay home instead of going out, likes listening to his ipod....blah blah blah...
Title: Which Leading Lady are you?
My Verdict
hahaha, I am Gretchen!!!
Congrats Your Gretchen from Donnie Darko!
oh, i really want to buy this t-shirt, from http://www.jacknasty.be/
the bra, panties and buttons are TOO CUTE to miss~~
Oh I just checked their website, they have a full line of related productes.
i like the tshirt i posted most.
The yellow messager bag is CUTe, however it's not available
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-31 11:52:32编辑过]
in the first pic, isn't Jake checking out Kiehl's product?
I LOVE every picture Jake and Maggie together. Maggie looks stunningly beautiful when wearing anything in turquoise as it compliments her blue eyes. Jake is great in blue too!!!
so cute!! I love the Gyllenhaals!!!!!
Maggie is very specially. She's the kind of actress that should belong to the 30's. Very retro~~
I think she'd be great in some black and white film, espeically silent film!!
Did any of you ever thought that Jake looked like Tobey Maguire (the guy in Spider Man)? I never thought so, but it seemed like some people did.
Here is an intersting discussion I saw regarding this matter:
"I remember watching him in early movies and thinking: he's good, but he looks just like Tobey Maguire.
And for the next few years, thinking: poor guy, he's never gonna get out from under Tobey Maguire's shadow, he'll always just be a second-string Tobey...
Nowadays, it's like: Tobey who?"
Jake is 100 times better looking and 10000 times sexier than Tobey.
To me, Tobey is just a QQ小 男生。
but Jake is really HOT!!!!
Besides, Tobey is very short. Jake is TALL and HANDSOME!!!!
do you know the sundance film festival? it's an independent film fest in Park City, UT. this year's fest was in January. maggie had a movie showed during the fest, and she did great in the movie. she's called the Sundance Queen of the year.
I heard about the Sundance festival but didn't really pay attention to it.
Hands down for Maggie, yeah!!!!!
Does anyone know this? The survey was conducted by the British New Woman Magazine.
Source: New Woman poll
Jennifer Aniston's ex scoops first place in the survey of more than 10,000 women.
Jake Gyllenhaal, 25, star of gay cowboy movie Brokeback Mountain, is second.
Lord of the Rings and Kingdom of Heaven star Orlando Bloom, 29, is the highest-ranking British actor, in third place.
Johnny Depp is fourth in the list of the 100 Sexiest Men in the World, followed by British star Clive Owen.
For once, I completely agree with the Brits!!!!!
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