以下是引用Cyprus在2006-6-5 14:07:00的发言:
Well, if he does that to everyone--meaning it's just a tool he uses to push everyone. Otherwise, he should have admitted that he has NO talent on choosing students with potential. You can ask him next time who else (other than himself) that he believes have potential if you want. :P 

Sounds a good idea.

Anyway, don't take your boss' words too seriously. You should obtain the self-confidence from yourself but not from others' comments. To the extreme, why don't you have to believe what he is saying? Why can't his comments on you be incorrect. I mean if you love this field and you like to give yourself a chance to try, your boss is just a 'tool' for you to be better. You study for a ph.d. degree to be better. You could/should choose someone that suits your purpose better. After all, it is you not your boss to determine whether you have potential. Don't be botthered by your boss' attitude to you too much, although I know it is hard to do