抽空把smart women里面我觉得有用的部分整理了一下,贴这里好了,主要是给自己一个复习大纲
至于作者的态度,很多方面我很不同意,在如今的market下再看,很多看法已经很ridiculous了,充斥eye catching numbers that made no sense
比如:don't take a 30yr mortgage,再比如dont' delay buying a house等等
至于max out everything: security fund, 401k, IRA, than then dream fund,读者一定要自己取舍!!!
Smart women finish rich
Step 5: Grandma’s three basket approach to financial security
Basket one: Security basket
- 3-24 months of living expense saved in emergency fund in money market (checking) account
- up-to-date will or living trust
living trust: if name self as trustee, and manage properly, can avoid court probate /large fees.
If > 1million, set up bypass or AB trust to avoid high tax
Remember to change names of all property to the trust – “replating”
- Health insurance
- Life insurance:
Term life: Employer’s life insurance usually is not portable/renewable – need to find one
Permanent life: “cash-value” insurance
- Disability insurance:
- Employer’s disability insurance usually taxable; need “gap policy”
- Need to be portable and guaranteed renewable, etc
- for people in the 60’s, consider long term care coverage
Basket two: Retirement basket
Traditional vs. Roth IRA: in general, if > 10yr away from retirement, roth is better
- invest for growth
- take advantage of 401(k) match
- do not borrow from retirement plan
- consolidate accounts,
- never put IRA/401(k) in the name of a trust or make beneficiary of the IRA a trust, otherwise spouse will lose ability to do IRA rollover, proceeds will be taxable
- roll over 401(k) to IRA when change jobs
Basket Three: Dream basket
- list 5 more important dreams
- make specific, measurable and provable
- immediate action in the next 48hours
- whom will I share my dreams with?
- what values does it help me accomplish?
- what challenges will I face?
- strategies to overcome anticipated challenges
- Short term dreams (<=2yrs): liquidity: money market accounts, CDs, Treasury bills (state tax free)
- Mid term dreams (2-5yrs): less liquidity, safety, more risk: Bonds: Treasury Notes (state tax free), Corporate Bonds (check out grade), Municipal Bonds(double tax free, good for people in very high tax brackets), Bond Fund
- Long term dreams (3-10yrs): stock, 4-10 mutual fund, ETF (Exchange traded funds)
- Really long term dreams (>10yrs): variable annuity (tax defer but pay annual insurance