if your marriage is otherwise very good, I wouldn't suggest taking extreme measures...
maybe bad advice, but can u try diy? life with small baby can be tough for both new mom and new dad i guess
if your marriage is otherwise very good, I wouldn't suggest taking extreme measures...
maybe bad advice, but can u try diy? life with small baby can be tough for both new mom and new dad i guess
没有拉, 我的意思是说, 因为楼主这个方面问题很大, 所以无形中sex就更加重要了
对一般的夫妻没有这个问题的,可能更多的是怎么相处的问题, 所以sex 的重要性反而体现不出来, 因为不成其为问题。
压力不是理由, 他不是暂时的情况, 而是多年一贯的, 所以他是不正常的。
研究显示,男子10几岁最强, 30多以后转弱, 女子相反, 30,40后变强。 你现在已经无法排解, 以后情况只会更糟,特别如果碰到一个行的, 知道好的是什么滋味, 那就肯定天雷动地火, 不可收拾。
if a married woman does that, the marriage is done for no matter what
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