He personally is super nice, and I have correspond with him for a while and I like his personality.
He is a retired soldier, who love aromatherapy, and own a big plantation of rose in Turkey.
If you guys feel boring, you can write to him. He is so funny!
I get an E-mail for him today, just for fun, share it with you guys.
This Morning on Highway E-5.
I was driving along around 75 MPH and stared to pass a Mercedes with a
woman behind the wheel. I looked over at her car and there she was with
her face up next to her rear view mirror putting on her eyeliner.
I looked away for a couple of seconds and when I looked back she was
halfway over in my lane, still working on that makeup.
As a man, I don't scare easily. But she scared me so much I dropped
my electric shaver, which knocked the donut out of my other hand.
In the confusion of trying to straighten out the car using my knees
against the steering wheel, I knocked my cell phone away from my ear
and it fell into the coffee between my legs, ruined the damn phone,
soaked my trousers, and disconnected an important call.
Damn women drivers!
哈哈, 这个啊. 这个肯定不是他亲自经历了, 我看过这个的中文版. 不过他真是很有趣的老头.