除了父母完成他们指定的case plan, 还有一个最重要的方面就是法官和听证会(hearings). 听证会的进度直接影响到案子的进展。
I’m going to write down my understanding of the general timeline for foster care cases. I don’t work in the court system so if I make any mistakes, please let me know.
- Report of abuse or neglect
- Investigation
- Removal of the child, or children from home, and placed in a foster home facility or relative placement
Normally all three steps will happen within the 24 hours, I think.
First, Continued custody hearing.
Held within 3 days of the child’s entry into foster care. Court hears evidence of for removal. Court rules as to the continuance of state custody or reunification.
Second, Answer hearing
Held after 30 to 45 days after the first hearing. Parents were answer to the charges listed in the petition. Parents will either deny the charges or stipulate that their child is a child in need of care (admit what they did was wrong).
During the first 30 days, the first family team meeting will be arranged. (Parents can see the child)
Third, Adjudication hearing (Full hearing)
Held after 15 to 30 days after the second hearing.
If the parents didn’t stipulate during the answer hearing, the hearing will judge whether the court deems the child in need of care. ( if the child remains in state custody)
Fourth, Review hearings.
At any time during the case, which is every 4 to 6 months, the judge or DCFS may wish to have the case reviewed in court. It’s up to DCFs or the judge.
Fifth, Permanency hearings (every 12 months)
With your month 12 the court will rule on the permanent plan for the child. The case goal will be evaluate it, and possibly extended or changed. It means during this hearing, the judge will decide if the child goes back to the parents, or should be adopted or parents need more time to work on their case plans. If the case is extended, the child will remain in the foster care.