Sign up the role you want to play. (1st one counts)
The order is from 1-8, and then adjudicators. Each person can only write one post to state all your arguments, no editing allowed. After all adjudicators finish their comments, the game is over and free discussion starts.
Please let me know your suggestions. Thank you!
The order is from 1-8, and then adjudicators. Each person can only write one post to state all your arguments, no editing allowed. After all adjudicators finish their comments, the game is over and free discussion starts.
Please let me know your suggestions. Thank you!
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-4-9 11:46:24编辑过]
投票:辩论报名 - 多选(最多可选9项)
截止时间:2031-08-18 16:08:34
截止时间:2031-08-18 16:08:34