楼主需要知道national vaccine injury compensation program. 如果最后确定是由疫苗引起的严重副反应,类似楼主妻子的情况,可以通过这个国家补偿项目拿到相当数量的补助。当然事故认定是由有经验的专业医生和法律人士做的。不是想当然什么不好的事情发生在打疫苗之后就咬定一定是由疫苗引起的。
楼主需要知道national vaccine injury compensation program. 如果最后确定是由疫苗引起的严重副反应,类似楼主妻子的情况,可以通过这个国家补偿项目拿到相当数量的补助。当然事故认定是由有经验的专业医生和法律人士做的。不是想当然什么不好的事情发生在打疫苗之后就咬定一定是由疫苗引起的。
covid vaccine is not covered by this program
smileCy 发表于 2021-10-15 18:24
If you go to the official website of VICP https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation/index.html, on its first page, you will find the following statement: COVID-19 Claims, For claims associated with the COVID-19 vaccine or other COVID-19 related countermeasures, please file your Request for Benefits with the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program. So apparently COVID-19 vaccine injury is covered under CICP, here's official website https://www.hrsa.gov/cicp.
" Human subjects who participated in mRNA trial before 2018, no one is alive now. 100% had ADE.", 参议员听证会的证词
这是100%真实的信息, 2018年之前 mRNA 试验中没有人今天还活着, 这是在参议院听证会上说的, all humans and animals died of ADE.
I will try to recover that video for everyone if its still on the social media, we have been discussed this a while back. 许多顶级医生已经和我们确认了研究结果
Breakthrough case is actually ADE.
大家不要恐慌, 大多数人不会有副作用
According to Pfizer official document, at least 50% of vaccinated people received placebo (saline), only 5-15% are assigned to high dose group, which is 30ug
inna 发表于 2021-10-16 21:02
You don''t know what you''re talking about, officially.
President Biden, former president trump, all governors of 50 states, over 96% of physicians, almost all senators-(except 3 republican senators as of April 2021) have been vaccinated. Covid-19 vaccine is safe and effective, and it saves lives. if you choose to continue to spread rumors, at least throw a link to back it up. If you''re really interested in studying the safety and efficacy data of all these covid-19 vaccines, you''ll find full coverage of FDA advisory committee meeting on youtube, days of discussion and presentation of safety/efficacy data from well designed clinical trials.