以下是引用xbwjl在7/12/2010 7:39:00 PM的发言:
今天因为其它事又去看了ob, 她说我已经快十周了,要赶快决定是不是要做risk assessment, 并给了我三个选择:
option #1: ultra-screen + maternal serum AFP + Detailed anatomy ultrasound
option #2: QUAD screen/Maternal serum screen + Detailed anatomy
option #3: Detailed anatomy
有经验的 mm能不能给科普一下这些assessment 是不是必要?
google search 了一下。
(1) UltraScreen is for the first trimester, test the risk of Down syndrome and trisomy 18.会用ultrasound 测baby脊柱和脖子之间的水的厚度,同时结合妈妈的血检结果,妈妈的年龄,用一个叫ultrascreen 的computer program 来预测risk. maternal serum AFP 用来测 the risk of open neural tube defects.
(2) quad screen is for the second trimester,测妈妈的血里AFP, hCG, Estriol, and Inhibin-A. AFP is for the risk of neural tube defects, as said above. Low levels of AFP and abnormal levels of hCG and estriol may indicate Down syndrome and trisomy 18. Inhibin-A helps to increase the power of detecting Down syndrome.