我要加入, 给你短信
以下是引用spice在1/20/2012 1:03:00 PM的发言:
bay area的美妈注意了!关于水族馆年票renew的通知如下。我刚刚发了email。但是有些美妈的email我这儿没有,所以在楼里再喊一声。如果要加入我们的email list,给我短一下,我把email forward给你。
Hi Summer/Fall/Winter Tiger Moms,
We (douzz and I) are going to renew the Monterey Bay Aquarium Membership soon. Our membership will expire by the end of April. By renewing in January, our membership will be extended for two months, i,e, from 5/1/2012 to 6/30/2013. The renewal fee is $250x2 = $500, and will be split among all the moms that wish to join.
If anyone wish to join or drop, please reply to this email chain.
I don't have emails of some bay area moms, such as 球妈,南瓜妈,etc. Please kindly forward this email to them if you know their emails.
Our new scheduling list will start from the first weekend of May 2012 to the last weekend of Jun 2013.
Newly joined moms will be put on the scheduling list after May 2012.
Thank you very much!
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/1/20 13:03:57编辑过]