by Foodstar
1 months
hep.b #1
2 months DTAP, prevnar, hib#1, rotateq
3 months ipv, hepb#2
months dtap, prevnar, rotateq, hib#2
6 months dtap, prevnar, rotaetq,
9 months hemoglobin, lead, ipv, hep b#3
12 months varivax,
15 months mmr, prevnar, hib#4
18 months dtap, ipv,
对于第2个月打的四个疫苗,datrickykid mm的儿医建议打针之前一小时先给泰诺,
from babycenter.com
Ask your baby's doctor when
she'd like you to call if your baby has a fever. Common guidelines
1. If your baby is less than 3
months old and has a temperature of 100.4 degrees F (38 degrees C) or higher,
call the doctor immediately. A baby this young needs to be checked for serious
infection or disease.
2. For a
baby between 3 and 6 months old, call if his temperature reaches 101 degrees F
(38.3 degrees C) or higher.
3. If your baby is 6 months
or older, call if his fever reaches 103 degrees F (39.4 degrees C) or
signs of allergies
nausea, vomiting,gas, diarrhea, frequent
bowel movements, abdominal pain, bed wetting
cough, wheezing, breathing difficulties,
asthma, rummy nose with clear secretions, eye swelling
lip swelling, face swelling,rashes,
diaper rash, hives, itching eczema, mouth ulcers
headache, irritability fatigue behavior
problems convulsions shock death
--you can buy teething tablet in cvs, all natural, it can reduce the pain of
teething. It saved me when niuniu was teething. Her ped recommended it. You can
also use baby Oralgel, which can be applied to his gum at nighttime. It makes
gum numb and can reduce pain.
--You can try to cut apples into pieces and freeze it. Then give it to Qiaoqiao
for teething. It's safe & convenient to use.