copied from Building #2:
Thanks dear!!! I was replying in the 2nd building, and then realized everybody is here now...
(大照片放一天,请不要引用照片:P)[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/2 15:35:00编辑过]
Wow! Super cute baby!!! Congratulations lalabear mm!!!!
Finally got a break. 2 meetings got cancelled this morning...
Congratulations to Ritazhouxx mm, Lalabear mm, 小馋猫08 mm, and Vivianne mm!!!!!
Now off to 爬楼....
Pat pat... Baby will come on its own time. :)
不明白。。不过SA 推荐, 我还是买了大一号的。 她说还要放Nursing Pad 之类的
where do you guys get nursing bras? Do we need the ones with wire, or without wire?
Hard to find time to eat lunch. got half an hour break just now. grabbed some lunch, and now back in meeting.
Poor Innaeh. Pat pat~~~ You do need to have a talk with your mom. Make it clear what you expect, and what she expects, so you guys are on the same page. Leave the hard feelings out. It is not good to have those when you just have the baby, and I heard that breastfeeding is affected a great deal by mom's mood....
My parents just got here last night. We stayed up till 2am. So sleepy now....
Thanks Jemima...
em... been completed worked to bones these days by my boss and his boss and his boss's boss...
tulip 啊 , 你这还有10天就DUE了, 随时可能发动了, 工作还这么多啊, 新人能不能上手呢~ ?
I have spent so much more time teaching this new guy than if I do it myself... pisses me off so badly....
Good news or could be bad news is.... my OB said my baby is no where near ready to be coming out.... She is 100% confident that he is going to come after the due date, and quote from my OB " I am not surprised by the end of 2 weeks after your due date, we will have to induce him..."
We have different rooms for delivery and recovery. the recovery room is actually quite nice, like a small hotel...
I don't think any hospital will have queen size bed though....
我妈不仅做这些 连逛街都不要
要带她出去吃饭 都不肯
上次我给买了个coach包 跟打架似的不肯要
Your mom is so strong!!!! Admire~~
I second!!!!
我前几天参观了医院,感觉旁边那个sleeping chair好小好小阿,就根本不能躺人嘛
That is what I told ZT that he needs to start losing weight if he wants to stay with me in the hospital...
Pat pat....
这个情况你别跟老板们说啊, 让他们知道你的DUE DATE, 他们就好认为你随时可能走啊。。 给你这么多活儿, 你随时发动, 他们也难搞啊, 他们得赶紧给你找个替身才行。。。
I did not mention that at all... sigh...
I started taking Rasberry Leave Tea today, hoping the baby will come sooner.... This tea tastes terrible.....
我竟然还看到过这张照片,真是希奇了。。。 我这都几百年没赶上过奔的人了。。。 哎。。。
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