想起以前SPRITE做的一系列image is nothing thirst is everything 的广告。 有一个暴好笑是说一个movie maker and his crews were in this war room and brainstorming for an upcoming
movie about a giant, green, jell-o like slug. Instead of focusing on the story and the plot,
they were cooking up all these ideas about merchendise, toys (this fat and squishy slug
stress ball that you can throw against the wall and leave a slimy trail), fast food meals (slug
burger), books, music Truly hilarious. I laughed until it hurt. Too bad I only saw three times
of that commercial.
movie about a giant, green, jell-o like slug. Instead of focusing on the story and the plot,
they were cooking up all these ideas about merchendise, toys (this fat and squishy slug
stress ball that you can throw against the wall and leave a slimy trail), fast food meals (slug
burger), books, music Truly hilarious. I laughed until it hurt. Too bad I only saw three times
of that commercial.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-5-13 21:35:37编辑过]