I worked with this person on the same project. Her unprofessional behaviors really concern me. This type of behavior repeated almost every time when there was a challenge on a design decision or a mismatch between the scope and design that I was involved.
During the project, a design decision was usually made or approved by a team. It was not uncommon for a decision to be challenged and revisited. Sometimes, miscommunication between the design and development teams created different expectations of scope and schedule etc. This type of expectation mismatch could be resolved by communication, comprise and rescheduling.
However, when I was related to the challenged decision or the mismatch, before communicating to me about the rationale behind the decision or how the mismatch happened, this person made the assumption it was my fault and got emotional.
One time I took over a feature design from someone else and there was a scope/design mismatch. This was caused by the miscommunication between the former design owner and development. Even after the former owner and I explained it, this person still yelled at me loudly in front of my colleagues. I was never treated like that before! This kind of behavior was a big disturbance of my work and created lots of mental pressure.
This kind of behavior repeated itself multiple times and it made me feel that I am the reason she got angry, not what happened
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/9/29 11:24:44编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/9/29 12:14:33编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/9/29 12:41:20编辑过]
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