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最近网上一段精彩的辩论( 大家提点意见)

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03-09-30 08:22操作
最近网上一段精彩的辩论( 大家提点意见)
这是来自www.comefromchina.com 二手市场里的一篇文章



wilson5019 :我实在看不下去了,你们都他妈的有病啊,人家怎么卖你管的着吗,说那么多废话干什么啊,将心比心,如果你卖的话,你喜欢别人这样抬杠吗,想买的人自己会考虑的.别没事吃饱撑的.

Yakuza :wilson 5019. this is a public chat room. what makes you think you can tell me what to say?

everyone in this chat room can express his/her opinion whether it makes the seller/happy or not. the most important is that i'm just delivering the right info so the seller/buyer can make a reasonable offer. the seller has the right to sell it if he thinks the offer is reasonable or decline it if he thinks the offer is below his buttomline.

in other words, i'm giving helpful information to everyone, offering them alternatives so they can receive the best for what they're paying. so don't u tell me to stop giving ppl suggestions! if u dont appreciate it, then go find something else better to do!

I couldn't care less if u insist to put $1750 in his pocket cuz it's not even my money. i'm SURE u will not pay that price after reading all that info. AND if u not even going to pay that price, then you have NO RIGHT to tell me what to say because TRUTH never lies and it will always stand regardless the circumstances!

if u have further concerns, feel free to write back i'll be waiting for it. but i doubt u will. 哈

前卫老太太 :再商言商 大家出门在外都不容易 你这么说自然有你的道理 话说回来了 事儿没有这么做的 如果你是买家自然想买个好价钱 你是卖家 当然想花少少钱 买好东西 如果你不买 也别站着说话不要疼 谁想买谁自然就会考虑 大家都是成年人 不要搞得这么紧张 再说了 搞的好想人家搂住 要敲诈勒索 坑蒙拐骗一样 挂上高帽子 谁都不好过您说是不 不要总是站在高处 高处不胜寒阿 谁也不是不食人间烟火 自己考虑吧 不过是在觉得 您的心肠太好了 一看就是热心肠阿 怎么您也有东西要卖? 您还是要买? 不买不卖 上来干什么阿 也像我 看热闹 找乐子 唯恐天下不乱? 我就纳闷了 怎么什么人都 搀和阿 这年头还真有 正义的化身阿 我可真是越来越佩服你了阿!~

不是和气不和气 怎么就觉得 已经绝种的正义的化身 又复活了 真是不容易啊
感动~~~~`````` 这年头真是林子大了什么鸟都飞 我就问问那位 说人家搂住 电脑贵的人兄 您哪报纸哪找来的阿 垃圾堆里的? 我看没准

Yakuza :哈!! enough of all the *bleep* coming from ur *bleep* mouth, my dear 前卫老太太

i think everyone already known you guys are together.

still my old saying : ~truth never lies!~

wilson5019 :Yakuza ,这里是别人卖东西的地方,我不想和你为了口舌之争占用太多的版面。如果我老是抬扛、反驳,也许偶尔获胜;但那是空洞的胜利,因为我永远不能使你心服口服,因此,我自己要衡量一下:我宁愿要那样一种字面上的、表面上的胜利,还是你被我所说道理折服呢?如果你有什么回应的话 ,我们可以用短消息联系。



Yakuza:哈! of course u can not let me 心服口服, because everyone knows i am standing up for the righteousness and truth always will stand still and strike out whatever comes in its way.

我被你所说道理折服? 哈哈哈哈 !! u made me laugh so hard and my stomach starts to hurt now ^^y

i think it's more like 你被我所说道理折服吧!哈!you 2 ppl team up but still aren't able to debate with me. but nice try dude! *claps* may i suggest u to go back to kindergarden and learn how to talk b4 i post anything next time.

feel free to send me qqh if u wanna debate some more. but i doubt you will thou 哈哈!

頭文 :讨厌在网上说着不咸不淡的英文的人, 最讨厌在网上说着不咸不淡的英文,还到处捣乱的人.

wilson5019 :我的英文并不好,看你的回复挺累的 ,当看到kindergarden这个词,我郁闷了,查遍了很多英文词典,愣是没找到。咳,牛人啊~~~

Yakuza :頭文. it doesn't matter how long i have been here as long as i understand every single word you saying, i can definitely write, speak, read perfectly. perhaps my chinese is even better than urs

listen up, writing english is my own personal perference, it doens't mean i can't read well, write well or understand chinese well. u're not only shallow, you're also superficial.

NOW everyone knows you 4 ppl know each other in person, trying to debate with me eh? c'mon grow up kidos!!

still old saying, if u can not talk like an adult and if u aren't capable to speak english properly, i suggest 4 of you people to go back to mainland and learn some english b4 opening that blader mouth. remember, this is canada, english as 1st language, not chinese, aight? in ur next ESL class go learn some more new vocabulary b4 posting ur *bleep* msg.

and if u got the balls, you can always come talk to me face to face cuz i'd surely teach you some manners for your mama. 哈 brats will always be brats. never grow up. 哎~

wilson5019 :你看看在这个论坛到底是中文多还是英文多,我英文不太好,但我知道kindergarten怎么写。


Yakuza :wilson5019: the way u talk is like those low b brat. sigh! i feel sorry for ur mom cuz she never taught you how to speak when u were born.

looks like u got too much free time trying to figure out what's the meaning of my name, eh? of course it doens't mean 日本瘪三, but i won't tell u the true meaning either. but since u don't have a life, i'd let the mystery remains.

by the way, want me to order airline ticket for you to go back to mainland? i think you are *bleep* up in the head. mental institute is where u belong.

哈哈 poor u

wilson5019 :Yakuza ,我真的是高估你了,本以为你会针对我的反驳,做出严谨的回应,但我却看到你在那污染环境。我不想用太过的话去说你,只想给你提个建议,有必要回kindergarten重新开始。至于你名字什么意思,大家都很清楚,我想作为中国人是不会起这样的名字的。但你为什么要起?原因只有你知道,因为就你知道它的含义吗。

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03-09-30 09:47操作
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