Trump最早一天几次Chinese Virus 挂在嘴边 我就在华人论坛发言警告大家了,我都警告大家好几次了,现在两个政党都在排华,左媒也是整天China负面消息,我在这里就是告诉大家小心,仇恨华人已经成了 很多美国普通老百姓的真实心理,Trump放大,激活了这个心理,左媒体也加油点火。
Trump最早一天几次Chinese Virus 挂在嘴边 我就在华人论坛发言警告大家了,我都警告大家好几次了,现在两个政党都在排华,左媒也是整天China负面消息,我在这里就是告诉大家小心,仇恨华人已经成了 很多美国普通老百姓的真实心理,Trump放大,激活了这个心理,左媒体也加油点火。
“The political and social invisibility of Asian-Americans have real-life consequences,” - Such a great line. Pretty much sums up the entire situation.
以上是New York Times 文章的Comments,说的真好。
Comments from NYT: My extreme sympathies to the Asian-American community who must suffer not only these attacks but from a political ''progressive'' establishment that is hesitant to take forceful action because a disproportionate share of the perpetrators are themselves from historically marginalized groups. While the xenophobic environment and the corona virus contributes to this (unfairly in my view since this is a ''human'' virus and not an ''Asian'' one) let''s not forget the lack of sympathy the Asian community gets because it''s viewed as ''privileged'', ''white-adjacent'' and ''upholding white supremacy'' - much like my much maligned Jewish community.
bangobunny 发表于 2021-02-26 23:04
天,10:36 pm today,我就在沙发上看这个帖子的功夫又发生一起?还是3个亚裔被攻击?我们要不要来个Asian Lives Matter 运动啊,这还让不让人活了,或者大家都带枪出门吧。
如果大家去看 [url][/url] 下面的留言 很多美国人做出“选择性失明”,不承认这是hate crime, 推说罪犯有精神疾病。LadyGaga 的狗一直在我手机上的New App里上头条,但是这好几个亚裔被伤害的新闻确没有被大量报道,或者上新闻头条。Between March and December last year, the organization Stop Asian American and Pacific Islander Hate recorded nearly 3,000 reports of anti-Asian hate incidents nationwide.
The New York City Police Department reported a 1,900% increase in anti-Asian hate crimes last year.
现在华人还希望能够息事宁人,总觉得这种事不会轮到自己头上。没有用的,华人们,你躲在家里像缩头乌龟一样(数着你的FAANG 股票,或者你的SDE包裹, 或者沾沾自喜你的爱马仕包包),以为娟捐款 就可以把事情搞定了,呼吁一下,社会就关心你亚裔了,那是你在做梦。加州日本人财产被没收都送进集中营, 犹太人被大规模屠杀(财产被没收),历史会重演的。华人根本没有学习游戏规则,华人一定要和其他的Minority 一起报团取暖,壮大声势,“The political and social invisibility of Asian-Americans have real-life consequences,”