以下是引用荞麦皮在12/31/2009 9:17:00 AM的发言:haaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaa,yap, you are right, i am a
美国公民. and i got it the fastest way. have you been to america? i've been to Canada several times. and i can go there whenever i want. let me tell you, Canada can't even compare to amerca. no wonder americans know nothing about canada while canadians know every thing about the U.S. you are the one who is 撒泼, not only 撒泼, you are stupid too. that's why i answer your question in the first place.
you are welcome. i don't mind helping you
顶贴 at all. cause i know even it is on the top all day long you still can't sell anything. every thing you have is 白菜叶子 here. most thing you have i have, but with far better price :))) i do contribute to charity every year and i am proud of it, probably it's not understandable to you.
sorry that i can't input chinese now. can you read english?
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/12/31 9:19:26编辑过]