我家小妞也有reflux, 一放到crib就大哭,我买了一个wedge还很管用,小妞能在crib里睡了。但是她喜欢在crib 里面扭扭放屁或者拉大大,不一会儿就是滑到wedge 底部,横着躺,头在crib的栏条那里了。这个问题怎么解决呢?怕小妞撞到头的话,要不要装bumper呢?
Have you read any sleep training books? There are several good ones being referred on the board.
Why you start training both Nap & Night sleep together? Even though it is said that this may be more proficient, it would be somehow easier for you to start training one at a time. According to what I have read, the baby works differently on Naps and Night sleep. Hence, it is OK to start with one, especially when your baby is not used to the crib yet.
Just like yours, my LO did not like the crib much before. I started my baby with night training first and she is now a very good sleeper at night, in crib by herself. Meanwhile, I did not even train her with the nap. We have always to soothe her to sleep and she is doing just fine.
My suggestion based on my own experience would be consistent - a consistent bed time routine, a consistent way to treat her with awakens.
Hope this will help.
Thank you very much gabbie, I have not read any books yet.
I will try to read some books.
It seems she did not throw up during naps, but she throws up every night.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/1/1 23:01:59编辑过]
mark & re
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/1/2 12:31:12编辑过]
所以在我看来你家娃没有特别严重的睡觉问题啊。。。 反正我到现在都没试过sleep training,总觉得随着孩子慢慢长大,总是会有进步的,而且别说让娃哭几十分钟了,哭几分钟娃爹娃奶奶都受不了,立马扑上去扮演解放军角色了。
salmon, flounder, 游水鲫鱼, bass
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