感恩节一对打折跳的。最后连税330多一点,买了两只white plus(I don't know if it's the same as pro, but they both have 3 speed and can be used for body.)因为用了coupon不能再用bing cash back. 转一只出来
Non-cc paypal, paypal时选Personal 下的 Payment owed. Paypal里请不要写MSG & NOTE
Knit Includes:
- Cordless Clarisonic PLUS
- Universal Charging Cradle (100v-240v AC; 50/60 Hz)
- Sensitive Brush Head
- Body Brush Head
- 1 oz. trial sizes of Refreshing Gel Cleanser, Gentle Hydro Cleanser and Nourishing Care Cleanser
- 2 oz. trial size Refining Skin Polish
Here is the link for individual pack http://www.clarisonic.com/us/shop/sonic-cleansing-system-plus.php
Here is the link for duo: 另外,官网送了一个刷头,一个洗面奶,还有化妆包。
送的SET+一个刷子套装在一起Priced at $160+ shipping
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/12/7 20:22:25编辑过]