Coming ~~~~~ , add me in
Due date 06/09/2012,
Very possible my delivery will be in May. Last time 17 days earlier.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/22 16:06:09编辑过]
Coming ~~~~~ , add me in
Due date 06/09/2012,
Very possible my delivery will be in May. Last time 17 days earlier.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/22 16:06:09编辑过]
ai, I bought a baby gender testing and it turned out my second is still a boy!
I wanna a baby girl~~~~~
it is about 80-90%, girl prediction is more accurate.
another chinese calendar gender test
enter your age and conceive date, then you can predict.
it is just for fun~~
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