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In Fond Memory of MJ - Happy/Cute Moments

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09-07-06 11:13操作
In Fond Memory of MJ - Happy/Cute Moments
I wasn't a fan in his living days. When his influence first reached China I didn't care about him because I thought he was only good at fast songs which I wasn't into. As time went by his reputation was tarnished. The MJ created by media was a sick freak and for a long time I couldn't understand why there were still fans crazy about him. I stayed even further away from his music due to dislike about his personality. After hearing his sudden death, out of curiosity I checked out postings by his fans and started listening to his songs. And now I don't know what is worse, to lose an idol you always loved or fall in love with one after his death. I guess the only thing that can possibly be worse than both would be also knowing that the one you loved genuinely had a golden heart but was so misunderstood and so harshly treated during his last years by almost the entire world including you. This is the first time for me to initiate a posting here or anywhere in huaren. I would like to share with you all the videos about him that I really like (yes I spent the past a week or so obsessively searching/watching his videos on youtube).

------ His Happy/Cute Moments ------
(1) cute moment when filming "We are the World". His smiles were just adorable. Diana Ross was like an auntie playing with him in the video

(2) a little embarrassed when he realized his zipper was unzipped while he was on stage. He blushed but very smoothly turned around and zipped up.

(3) grammy '84. At request he took off his shades and gave a very shy/sweet smile. I would pass out if I were one of the girls in the back.

(4) 1997 History tour Munich. He found a bug on stage and asked the security not to kill the bug

(5) laugh crisis. He was getting interviewed in Japan and couldn't stop laughing

(6) 1997 Italian TV show. first cute reation to audience, then he almost forgot making his annoucement

----- enjoy watching. I am sure those will bring smiles to your face. They did for me. Michael, you will be loved for a long time. -----
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09-07-07 09:30操作
canop, thanks for posting the details about the case. lily555cn, if you want to find out more about those alleged cases against him, wikipedia has 2 pretty good articles summarize the cases. Those are the most objective summaries I have found. The first article showed public reactions towards him before and after his team settled the case in 1993. Now looking back it was really a bad decision that those people made on his behalf.  BTW, that Chandler and that a-hole DA, I soooo wish them die the most miserable death and ASAP.

It is so good to know that his fan base is growing even after his death. Think he would be happy that more and more people are finally getting to know, appreciate and love not only Michael the performer but also Michael the person.

Between searching/watching his videos I also posted on web sites (like eonline) targetted towards English speakers. It is really hard to persuade narrow-minded Americans who are ignorant yet love to take a moral high ground to judge and criticize.
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