<p><strong>回复 <a href="showtopic.html?topicid=2336208#78487057" target="_blank">33楼<font color="Olive">jenniferwx</font>的帖子</a></strong></p> <p>你是什么学位不在讨论范围内,而且现实生活中如果我是男的也不会date你的😂😂😂,放心吧。至于男的应该是什么学历这个我不想去讨论,因为我有我的想法,而且是建立在我的人生经历之上的。你的想法也是建立在你的人生经历上,所以没什么可辩对错的。每个人按自己的想法怎么开心怎么来就行了,如果你遇到个聪明有趣的高中毕业生,你们俩开心的在一起了,我也替你们开心。你也不需要来justify你的标准,我为什么这么想我也不需要写篇博士论文来说服你。</p><p><br></p><p><br></p>
chaahc1221 发表于 9/13/2018 10:37:59 AM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=2336208&postid=78501534#78501534]
You are such a mean person, period. I never judge your decision, well maybe a little. But I said you can choose whoever you want to be with. All I was saying is that I don't care about degree that much even though I have a PhD, and you related this to "dating high-school graduates". Such a negative attitude.You don't need to write a PhD thesis to convince me, since your logic is weird in certain ways. And I don't come here bragging about the quality of my dates. Also, sure, you don't want to date me if you were a guy bcoz that you are insecure inside. The lack of confidence of intelligence make you want to date someone who is superior in that part. I may be wrong, but this is the impression that you gave me.
Good luck with your date with such an attitude.